“May your awesome potential continue to unfold and provide you with success and satisfaction!“
-Flip Brown
The Premise:
While there is no perfection as a human being, having a rich, full, and meaningful life can be more fully realized if we examine multiple factors and make choices on how to focus our energies.
For those of us committed to life-long learning, growth, and development it sometimes is challenging to keep track of our priorities, needs, and choices in terms of realizing our full potential.
This methodology is designed to provide a multi-factor roadmap for more success, satisfaction, and fulfillment.
The goal is to be empowered by this process towards a more positive sense of being, not judged for what is missing or what we haven’t done yet.
Want to help us with this launch?
The Personal Integration Assessment (PIA) is comprehensive - six vectors with four components per vector. We anticipate it will take 20 - 30 minutes to complete. Our feedback survey is quick, with some easy questions on what you think of the tool and what resources might be helpful to go along with it.
To express our gratitude, we’d like to offer you first chance at the offerings and resources we will offer to accompany the PIA at no charge. These are still in development, but we’ll keep track of your participation and follow up when they are ready. We’re also happy to publicly thank you on the website unless you’d prefer us not to.
You can access the PIA below, and you’ll be prompted to complete the feedback survey after you hit submit and via a follow-up email (isn’t technology beautiful sometimes!).